
it's me =)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

~ the unique of leaP year ~

APE yang korang tau pasl tahun lompat or leap yer ni?so memandang kan hari tuh dh lepas so,aku share apa yang aku tau la kan..
Tahun Lompat bermakna ada satu hari been inserted, or intercalated, at the end of February. Pada tahun ini juga, 2008, kita mempunyai 366 (biasanya 365)
Kenapa kalendar memerlukan tahun lompat?

Tahun lompat diperlukan untuk our calendar in alignment with the earth’s revolutions around the sun. The vernal equinox is the time when the sun is directly above the Earth’s equator, moving from the southern to the northern hemisphere. The mean time between two successive vernal equinoxes is called a tropical year–also known as a solar year–and is about 365.2422 days long.

Using a calendar with 365 days every year would result in a loss of 0.2422 days, or almost six hours per year. After 100 years, this calendar would be more than 24 days ahead of the season (tropical year), which is not desirable or accurate. It is desirable to align the calendar with the seasons and to make any difference as insignificant as possible. By adding a leap year approximately every fourth year, the difference between the calendar and the seasons can be reduced significantly, and the calendar will align with the seasons much more accurately.(copyright from website) tq!

So,anyone here born in 29th february? only every 4 years can celebrate birthday .. huk huk .sedey nie=(

TApi ada yang speciall pasal leap year ni..

Leap years that share the same day of week for each date repeat only every 28 years between the years 1904 and 2096. The year 2008 was a leap year. If you look at a 2008 calendar, you will see that February has five Fridays–the month begins and ends on a Friday. February comprised five Fridays in 1980 as well, and the next occurrence will be in 2036. February 29, the leap day, has been associated with age-old traditions, superstitions and folklore...haaa~ interesting rite?

so,what i suppose to be happy or sad?

ape2pun thanx sape2 yg wish jgk kt aku..HEpy No BEsday for me =)